twitter compilation album/post

Steve Morozumi for fluxlife
(continued from last Steve M. post on 1/29)

i've finally gotten myself freed up to grab some recent info. surrounding twitter that i have found useful. the goodness of twitter is debatable, but here's a recent story that reinvigorated my twittertude:


this is my retweet (copy someone else's tweet (post on twitter) and give them credit by placing an "RT" in front of the copied tweet followed by an "@" in front of their name):

if you click on the above image, it will take you to Mr Tweet's blog where he has reposted the story from the original blog onto his blog.

OKAY! so, this is awesomeness: some guy orders his food on twitter, and the cafe' obliges! the local twitter community takes note, and the biz owner doubles the size of his customer base! that is the shahiznit! how about you, what do you think? now that you have the power of this information, what will you do with it? ;)


after the inspirational story, i thought: "who is this Mr Tweet, and why is he the Mr of tweeting?" well, check out this link describing his free services: Mr Tweet - Your personal networking assistant. i hooked up with Mr Tweet and he (or his algorithm) made some recommendations to help me improve my networking efforts on twitter. one of his recommendations was to follow problogger on twitter. i did so. from that i got this story:
Expand Your Brand & Career: Open a Twitter Account. Right Now. excellent title, though not the punchiest and most exciting read i'll admit. too long of an article to keep me reading. still, it does raise some usable points about twitter, and it's a good reference to go back to.


before all the above was rollin' up in my joint, i ran across a journalist blogger with an excellent "get to know twitter post" which had links to help explain twitter & related jargon. check it out: Tweeple, Tweetups and Twirting Translated. The post is from Emma over at the Musings on News-things blog. Stop by her blog, and give her a shout. she's also got another excellent twitter related post up today as well.


mediaphyter. she writes articles for ZDNet among other things, and she'll follow you back pretty damn quickly. good person to have in your twitter network.

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Lucy Filet said...

I don't hate was just far too time consuming for me:). I don't have a mobile device to twitter from so I had to sit at my computer all day long, and I'm mostly a stay at home mom (who teaches on the side).

I forgive you your twitter obsession;). I'll follow you on Twitter too...I just very rarely ever post updates.

Lucy Filet said...

Oh, and I LOVE the songs!

Steve Morozumi said...

no twitter hate? ok, i see. yeah, i can see your challenges toward tweeting on a regular basis. thanks for forvgiveness of my twobsession. hopefully i'll see you on twitter, or at least follow you back. glad you LOVED the songs! right on. :D