what's your monday gripe? (#2)

Steve Morozumi for fluxlife

last monday, there was nothing really awesome or cool going on, so i opened things up to the first monday gripe post here at flulxife. a number of readers thought it was a good idea, so i brought it back.

what's your monday gripe? feel free to vent about anything whether it has to do with monday or not. if you have a gripe later on in the week, come on back, scroll down, and let 'er rip!

my gripe for the moment is that i'm running behind and the week's just started! lol! course, the guy in the commercial below is having a way worse monday than me! hahaha!
just another monday at the office:
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Steve Morozumi said...

my other gripe for the moment is that a bunch of bills are due including rent! holy crap! it figures i would get hit like this on a monday! on top of that i promised to split a parking ticket with a friend and she's taking me up on it! not good, but kinda funny in a sadistic sort of way! hahaha! gotta laugh this stuff off, it's the only way i can survive this monday. :D

calicolyst said...

My Monday gripe is that the Steelers won last night. Damn it.

~*Miss A*~ said...

My Monday gripe is that I keep getting hit on by married men! It's really starting to discourage and frustrate me! And now I'm going to bed....maybe lol.

The Damsel said...

My Monday Gripe is that on the way to work this afternoon, someone shouted something obscene at me. Why?

Steve Morozumi said...

i like to have the fluxlife posts scheduled to publish by 12:00 midnight 6-7 days a week. it's now 12:25AM on wed. 2/4, so that's a fail at the moment. here, wait. lemme hide some text under this "Read More..." link that i have recently added into the fluxlife blog template (warning: the stuff after you click "Read More..." is at least rated PG-13)! wow. i could add this to the monday gripes comments. suh-weeet. i think i will.

poeticallytinted said...

MY monday gripe are of course all the dumb monday meetings i have to attend and people loving the sounds of their own voices and going on and on and on and on...