PARTY! San Francisco! 'Cause OBAMA Said So!!!

19th & Valencia Obama Street Party !!!

miraculous in a way, even though i felt the landslide comin'! w00t! w00t!
this rocks! OBAMA rocks!

there was awesomeness of OBAMA election nite parties goin' on. i hit mezzanine first (1200 peeps - too big, but impressive).

second: i headed over to Bolly Hood in the Mission (chillax, very cool - met some great people)

third: some of the great people i met from Bolly Hood kidnapped me to the 19th & Valencia amazing "in the street party!" so much goin' on there... so much fun! i met more awesome people there.

before i left i met Adley from
the band "antio'quia"
(an-tee-0-kee-ah) and his girl friend, Sarah, both amazing people.
(they're playing a gig at Bolly Hood on Nov. 22nd - don't miss it!)

(go back to: antio'quia blog entry)

almost right before i left i chatted with a yet another amazing person. too bad an "angry mccain" cop harassed us (el hombre de policia bastardo para mccain)!

fourth: i missed the 16th & Valencia, 16th & Mission, 18th & Castro street parties as i checked out their aftermaths, called a few billion people to share the joy, then headed home.

what an amazing night! we did it America. we really do want change! ;D-Thanks Barack!, for leading us in the right direction !!!
Obama's acceptance speech

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